Personal Training in Delray Beach

Hey everyone, here are some highlights of my last training session with Babe. Her strength and stamina continue to increase after each training session, proving that hard work, determination, and consistency pay off! Here, we are demonstrating kneeling squats paired with overhead barbell presses, followed up by some "fun" interval training with heavy sled drags paired with prowler sprints. (maybe not that much fun) 2 to 4 rounds of these at the end of your workout is the perfect way to finish things up. Great job Babe! 

Resistance Band Exercises for Upper Body

Check out these clips from our last training session with Jane! You don't always need to go to the gym to get a solid workout in. Resistance bands are a great way to build muscle, improve balance, correct posture, and work up a good sweat, but don't take my word for it! Check out Jane working a few different movements to target different areas of the body. The great thing about resistance bands is that you can transition from one exercise to the next easily to ensure that the heart rate stays elevated to maximize the amount of calories burned!
If you're still a little unsure of how and when to begin using resistance bands, don't hesitate to schedule your COMPLIMENTARY session with us!

Prowler Power!

Only our third week training together and my client is already tearing up the turf with the prowler! Throw out the treadmill, pitch the elliptical, and say goodbye to the recumbent bike, because this simple piece of raw metal is all the cardio equipment you'll need, trust me! Good for all ages and skill levels, the prowler is pretty much fool proof, and is guaranteed to make you feel the burn.

Squats in Delray Beach

What's up Silver Strong family? I hope this cold Florida weather isn't keeping you all from getting outside or getting into the gym. Today was lower body day so I started off with 5 sets of 3 reps with the back loaded squat, then proceeded to do more isolation movements for the quads and hamstrings. I don't know about you guys but I'm looking forward to February and warmer temperatures! Keep on moving!

Chris and Carolina do Interval Training

A little cardio session today with my partner in crime at the gym. Country music, swinging ropes and flipping tires seems to work well together. Here are a few variations of rope work, followed by some good old tire flipping to get the heart rate even higher! When flipping a tire, make sure you lean your whole body into it, drive forward with your feet, and lift at the same time. Don't try picking it up like a traditional deadlift or your back will not be very happy with you. LET'S KEEP MOVING!

Total Body Activation for Golfers!

Always do this exercise before teeing off! This is a two for one exercise that really activates your lower and upper body at the same time. To complete the hip hinge, push your butt back while trying to keep all your weight on the heels of your feet. While keeping a slight bend at the knees, lean forward at the hips and maintain a neutral spine (in other words, don't round your back). Next, raise your club up and rotate to either side slowly at first, gradually increasing the range of motion as you get more comfortable with the movement. Now you're ready to swing away!

Loosen up your hips with this simple exercise!!

Here is an oldie but goodie!  Today we will be performing a basic child's pose with the aid of a foam roller. Foam rollers are very versatile and can be used for numerous things fitness related.  For greater hip mobility push your knees out to either side of you and drop your hips down so you're in child's pose.  Next, put your arms on the foam roller and gently push down to feel a stretch in the shoulders and upper back.  Slowly rock back and forth, feeling the stretch in both the upper and lower body.  Now your ready to move with less restrictions on the course!

Want to improve your golf swing?

Ever wonder why you can't fully extend your arms over your head, or when you squat you round at the upper back, or better yet, can't swing a golf club to save your life? Well, chances are your upper back is tight and is causing you a great deal of discomfort which is limiting you from doing daily activities. Try this simple exercise for a few minutes a day to get things moving again! Remember to stop immediately if you feel any pain, and to breath in and out during the repetitions.

Unleash your inner bird dog!

Hello Silver Strong golfers of Palm Beach County! When teeing off for that long drive it's definitely an advantage to have a strong functional core, and what better way to activate while also strengthen it than this fantastic exercise. You may even notice a decrease in that nagging back pain you've been experiencing as well. We challenge you to perform a few repetitions of these the next time you hit the fitness center or park!

Let's get moving!

Chris and Carolina 

New video up! Get ready to swing!

In this video Carolina is demonstrating how to properly activate your glutes while also increasing range of motion in the shoulders. Use this as an exercise in the gym or prior to teeing off to help get your body ready to swing. 

Keep your glutes contracted throughout the entire movement, while also keeping your abdominals tight to keep your back from arching. While bringing the club overhead, only go as far as you feel comfortable. Your range of motion will improve with time and practice. 

Happy golfing!

Chris and Carolina

IT'S GOLF SEASON! Golf Club Woodchops

Hi Silver Strong Family! Welcome to our blog. In here we will be sharing useful information about fitness, health, nutrition and wellness.

In honor of Fall Golf season being among us, we will be starting a golf fitness series where we will share different warmups, stretches and golf specific exercises that will translate to results in the golf course! First up! Golf Club Woodchops. Please ensure to keep your back straight during the squat portion of the movement and gently turn to warm up your core and back muscles!

Please contact us if you have any questions about the exercises or our services!

Happy Golfing!

Carolina and Chris